среда, 15 октября 2008 г.


My second blog. Whoo hoo. Iapos;ve always liked documenting things so I can remember them.� I�tend to imagine that maybe someone will read it one day and take an interest (if� no one reads it now). I dunno. And since Iapos;ve found keeping a diary too tedious and keeping up with my Freewebs blog too constricting, Iapos;m gonna try LJ.� Seems pretty cool and easy...I like the features too, and the fact that I can make entries private. (Ahem..."private". Not that my private entries are going to be interesting enough for people to want to hack into them...or that Iapos;ll be terribly upset if they do.)� Much more blog-focused than Freewebs (durrr...this is a blog site).� Hopefully Iapos;ll keep up with it (and if you ARE reading, comments are always appreciated).

So, to kick off, I guess I should introduce myself a bit.� Iapos;m Leslie...but Iapos;ve aquired many nicknames throughout the years.� Iapos;m a sophomore at Georgetown University, chemistry major, premed with no desire to enter medical school, from Honolulu, HI, member of the GU Pep Band clarinet section, and an aspiring researcher. But for now, Iapos;m just trying to survive orgo and physics (and Italian...Iapos;m pretty much retarded at languages).�

Thatapos;s all for now.� Iapos;m off...to go draw some molecules. Yay.
cwrl, cwrite, cwrdos.exe, cwrdos.

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